Monday, March 26, 2012

"A Day in the Life..."

Each and every person or position at the Hinds County MS Study Location is unique. In an effort, to show you what a typical day looks like for everyone, we present to you our "A Day in the Life" series. First up is the NCS Hinds County Outreach Team!

On Saturday, March 24, 2012, the Outreach Team participated in the annual Zippity Do Dah Carnival. The Carnival is held as a fundraising effort to support the Blair E. Batson Children's Hospital, one of our local Study partners. In addition, the Carnival, served as a wonderful avenue to help bring the community together by providing tons of fun activities for families and children.

The Outreach Team had a blast- we'll just let the pictures do the talking! Welcome to a day in the life of the Outreach team- ENJOY!

Youth Advisory Board (YAB) members Nate (left) and Ariel (right)

LaShondra (Outreach Specialist-Left) and Zonzie (Community Outreach Coordinator-Right)

LaShondra and Ariel

Zonzie decided to be brave and actually hold a Scorpion! 

Now shes's all smiles!

Zonzie and Ariel pictured with one of the world famous Clydesdales 

YAB members! (Andrea- far left, LaShondra, and Ariel- far right)

LaShondra and Sara (YAB member)

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